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Here you can find everything about Fuji Hakko Electric HMI Spare Parts that you want.

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What are the series of Fuji Hakko Electric HMI?
Let's find it together

What is Fuji Hakko Electric?

 Fuji Hakko Electric HMI

Fuji Hakko Electric: Fuji Hakko Electric Co., Ltd. is a renowned motor manufacturer based in Japan. Established in 1944, the company is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Fuji Hakko Electric specializes in the research, development, production, and sales of various types of motors, inverters, and related products. Its product range includes but is not limited to DC motors, AC motors, stepper motors, servo motors, fans, cooling fans, industrial motors, and motor drive systems.

Fuji Hakko Electric is known for its high quality, high performance, and reliability in the industry. The company's products are widely used in industrial automation, manufacturing, medical equipment, office equipment, household appliances, and other fields. Fuji Hakko Electric continuously innovates its technology and conducts product research and development to meet the evolving needs of customers. It actively strives to provide efficient and environmentally friendly solutions.

How to find the Fuji Hakko Electric HMI models?

In this table, list all the models of Fuji Hakko Electric HMI. You can call up the search box by holding down the keyboard Ctrl+F and enter the model you want to find. Then send inquiries to VICPAS for more product details and price.

Series Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
UG20 Series UG420H-EC1D UG420H-TC4M1ZE UG420H-VC4ZE UG520H-VC1
UG220H-SC4 UG420H-SC1xD UG420H-TC4MZU UG520H-SC1M UG520H-VC1x
UG221H-LC4 UG420H-SC4 UG420H-TC4x UG520H-SC1MZE UG520H-VC1x1
UG221H-LC4D UG420H-SC4MZE UG420H-TC4x1 UG520H-SC1MZU UG520H-VC1x1D
UG221H-LE4 UG420H-SC4MZU UG420H-TC4x1D UG520H-SC1x UG520H-VC1xD
UG221H-LR4 UG420H-SC4x UG420H-TC4xD UG520H-SC1x1 UG520H-VC1ZU
UG221H-SC4 UG420H-SC4xD UG420H-TC4ZE UG520H-SC1x1D UG520H-VC4
UG221H-TC4 UG420H-TC1MZE UG420H-VC1x UG520H-SC4 UG520H-VC4M1ZE
UG320HD-SC4K UG420H-TC1x2 UG420H-VC41ZU UG520H-SC4x UG520H-VC4x
UG320HD-SC4K3 UG420H-TC1xD UG420H-VC4M1ZE UG520H-SC4x1 UG520H-VC4x1
UG320H-SC4 UG420H-TC1ZE UG420H-VC4M1ZU UG520H-SC4x1D UG520H-VC4x1D
UG320H-VS4 UG420H-TC41ZU UG420H-VC4x UG520H-SC4ZU UG520H-VC4ZU
UG30 Series UG330H-SS4 UG430H-TH4 UG430H-VH4 UG530H-VH4
OP530-001 UG330H-VH4 UG430H-TH4D UG430H-VH4B UG530H-VH4D
UG230H-LS4 UG330H-VS4 UG430H-TS1 UG430H-VS1 UG530H-VS1
UG230H-LS4D UG430H-SS1 UG430H-TS1D UG430H-VS4 UG530H-VS1D
UG230H-SS4 UG430H-SS1D UG430H-TS4 UG530H-UH4 UG530H-VS4
UG230H-SS4D UG430H-SS4 UG430H-TS4D UG530H-US4 UG530H-VS4D
UG230H-TS4 UG430H-SS4D UG430H-VH1 UG530H-VH1 UG630H-XH1
UG230H-TS4D UG430H-TH1 UG430H-VH1B UG530H-VH1D UG630H-XH4
UG330H-SC4 UG430H-TH1D
UG 40 Series UG440H-TH4 UG440H-TS4D UG540H-VH1 UG540H-VS1
UG340H-VH4 UG440H-TH4D UG440H-VH1 UG540H-VH1D UG540H-VS1D
UG340H-VS4 UG440H-TS1 UG440H-VH4 UG540H-VH4 UG540H-VS4
UG440H-TH1 UG440H-TS1D UG440H-VS1 UG540H-VH4D UG540H-VS4D
UG440H-TH1D UG440H-TS4 UG440H-VS4
UG200 Series UG200H-LC4E UG200H-LT4 UG200H-LT4K UG200H-Lx4x
UG200H-LC4 UG200H-LC4K UG200H-LT4C UG200H-LT4T UG200H-Sx4x
UG210 Series UG210H-LC4T UG210H-LT4T UG210H-SC4K UG210H-ST4E
UG210H-LC4 UG210H-LT4 UG210H-Lx4x UG210H-SC4T UG210H-ST4K
UG210H-LC4C UG210H-LT4C UG210H-SC4 UG210H-ST4 UG210H-ST4T
UG210H-LC4E UG210H-LT4E UG210H-SC4C UG210H-ST4C UG210H-Sx4x
UG400 Series UG400H-L0T13 UG400H-S1T13 UG400H-S2x1xx UG400H-T1x1xx
UG400H-T1C1EZE UG400H-L0X1xx UG400H-S1x1xx UG400H-T1C1 UG400H-T2C1
UG400H-L0C1 UG400H-S1C1 UG400H-S2C1 UG400H-T1C11 UG400H-T2C11
UG400H-L0C11 UG400H-S1C11 UG400H-S2C11 UG400H-T1C12 UG400H-T2C12
UG400H-L0C12 UG400H-S1C12 UG400H-S2C12 UG400H-T1C13 UG400H-T2C13
UG400H-L0C13 UG400H-S1C13 UG400H-S2C13 UG400H-T1C1ZE UG400H-T2J1
UG400H-L0C1ZE UG400H-S1C1ZE UG400H-S2J1 UG400H-T1J1 UG400H-T2J11
UG400H-L0J1 UG400H-S1J1 UG400H-S2J11 UG400H-T1J11 UG400H-T2J12
UG400H-L0J11 UG400H-S1J11 UG400H-S2J12 UG400H-T1J12 UG400H-T2J13
UG400H-L0J12 UG400H-S1J12 UG400H-S2J13 UG400H-T1J13 UG400H-T2T1
UG400H-L0J13 UG400H-S1J13 UG400H-S2T1 UG400H-T1T1 UG400H-T2T11
UG400H-L0T1 UG400H-S1T1 UG400H-S2T11 UG400H-T1T11 UG400H-T2T12
UG400H-L0T11 UG400H-S1T11 UG400H-S2T12 UG400H-T1T12 UG400H-T2T13
UG400H-L0T12 UG400H-S1T12 UG400H-S2T13 UG400H-T1T13 UG400H-T2x1xx
Monitouch V4 V4SB020C-B V4SC010E-G V4SC020T-B V4SW120C-G
V4B1x0x-x V4SB020C-G V4SC010J-B V4SC020T-G V4SW120E-B
V4C0x0x-x V4SB020E-B V4SC010J-G V4SC0x0x-x V4SW120E-G
V4C1x0x-x V4SB020E-G V4SC010K-B V4SW110C-B V4SW120J-B
V4H1x0x-x V4SB020J-B V4SC010K-G V4SW110C-G V4SW120J-G
V4SB010C-B V4SB020J-G V4SC010T-B V4SW110E-B V4SW120K-B
V4SB010C-G V4SB020K-B V4SC010T-G V4SW110E-G V4SW120K-G
V4SB010E-B V4SB020K-G V4SC020C-B V4SW110J-B V4SW120T-B
V4SB010E-G V4SB020T-B V4SC020C-G V4SW110J-G V4SW120T-G
V4SB010J-B V4SB020T-G V4SC020E-B V4SW110K-B V4SW1x0x-x
V4SB010J-G V4SB110J-B-37 V4SC020E-G V4SW110K-G V4T0x0x-x
V4SB010K-B V4SB1x0x-x V4SC020J-B V4SW110T-B V4T1x0x-x
V4SB010K-G V4SC010C-B V4SC020J-G V4SW110T-G V4T2x0x-x
V4SB010T-B V4SC010C-G V4SC020K-B V4SW120C-B V4W1x0x-x
V4SB010T-G V4SC010E-B V4SC020K-G
Monitouch V6 V606M10M V610S11D V610T21 V612C21D
V606C10 V608C10 V610S20 V610T21D V612C21M
V606C10M V608CH V610S20D V610T21M V612C21MD
V606eC V608CH1 V610S21 V610T21MD V612T10
V606eC10 V608CH2 V610S21D V610T22 V612T10D
V606eC20 V608CH3 V610T10 V610T22D V612T10M
V606eM V609E30M V610T10D V612C10 V612T10MD
V606eM10 V609E30MD V610T10M V612C10D V612T11
V606eM20 V610C10 V610T10MD V612C10M V612T11D
V606iC V610C10D V610T11 V612C10MD V612T11M
V606iC10 V610C10M V610T11D V612C11 V612T11MD
V606iC10M V610C10MD V610T11M V612C11D V612T20
V606iM10 V610C20 V610T11MD V612C11M V612T20D
V606iM10M V610C20D V610T12 V612C11MD V612T20M
V606iM10M-033 V610C20M V610T12D V612C20 V612T20MD
V606iT V610C20MD V610T20 V612C20D V612T21
V606iT10 V610S10 V610T20D V612C20M V612T21D
V606iT10M V610S10D V610T20M V612C20MD V612T21M
V606M10 V610S11 V610T20MD V612C21 V612T21MD
Monitouch V7 V706TD V710CM V710S V712iSM
V706C V706TMD V710CMD V710SD V712iSMD
V706CD V708C V710iS V710T V712S
V706CMD V708CD V710iSD V710TD V712SD
V706M V708iSD V710iT V710TM V712SM
V706MD V708SD V710iTD V710TMD V712SMD
V706MMD V710C V710iTM V712iS V715X
V706T V710CD V710iTMD V712iSD V715XD
Monitouch V8 V808CH4 V810CMDN V810iTMN V812iSD
V806CD V808Chx V810CMDN-124 V810iTN V812iSDN
V806CDN V808iCD V810CMN V810S V812iSM
V806iCD V808iCDN V810CN V810SD V812iSMD
V806iCDN V808iCH V810iC V810SDN V812iSMDN
V806iMD V808iCH0 V810iCD V810SN V812iSMN
V806iMDN V808iCH1 V810iCDN V810T V812iSN
V806iTD V808iCH2 V810iCM V810TD V812S
V806iTDN V808iCH3 V810iCMD V810TDN V812SD
V806MD V808iCH4 V810iCMDN V810TM V812SDN
V806MDN V808Ichx V810iCMN V810TMD V812SM
V806N V808iSD V810iCN V810TMDN V812SMD
V806TD V808iSDN V810iS V810TMN V812SMDN
V806TDN V808SD V810iSD V810TN V812SMN
V808C V808SDN V810iSDN V810xCDN V812SN
V808CD V808xCDN V810iSN V810xCN V812xSDN
V808CDN V808xSDN V810iT V810xSDN V812xSN
V808CH V810C V810iTD V810xSN V815iX
V808CH0 V810CD V810iTDN V810xTDN V815iXD
V808CH1 V810CDN V810iTM V810xTN V815iXDN
V808CH2 V810CM V810iTMD V812iS V815iXN
V808CH3 V810CMD V810iTMDN
Monitouch V9 V9080iSBD V9100iCD V9100iWLD V9120iSLBD
V9060iTBD V9080iSD V9100iS V9100iWRLD V9120iSLD
V9060iTD V9080iSLBD V9100iSB V9101iWLD V9120iSRBD
V9070iWLD V9080iSLD V9100iSBD V9101iWRLD V9120iSRD
V9070iWRLD V9080iSRBD V9100iSD V9120iS V9150iX
V9071iWLD V9080iSRD V9100iSLBD V9120iSB V9150iXD
V9071iWRLD V9100iC V9100iSLD V9120iSBD V9150iXLD
V9080iCBD V9100iCB V9100iSRBD V9120iSD V9150iXRD
V9080iCD V9100iCBD V9100iSRD
Monitouch V10 V1008iSRD V1010iSLD V1012iSD V1015iSB
V1008is series V1010iS series V1010iSRBD V1012iSLBD V1015iSBD
V1008iSBD V1010iS V1010iSRD V1012iSLD V1015iSD
V1008iSD V1010iSB V1012iS series V1012iSRBD V1015iSLBD
V1008iSLBD V1010iSBD V1012iS V1012iSRD V1015iSLD
V1008iSLD V1010iSD V1012iSB V1015iS series V1015iSRBD
V1008iSRBD V1010iSLBD V1012iSBD V1015iS V1015iSRD
GD-80 Series GD-80SLC-G GD-80TAxMx-x GD-81SCE-G GD-81SHK-G
GD-80E01-23 GD-80SLE-B GD-81SBC-B GD-81SCJ-B GD-81SHT-B
GD-80ExxMx-x GD-80SLE-G GD-81SBC-G GD-81SCJ-G GD-81SHT-G
GD-80Exxx-x GD-80SLJ-B GD-81SBE-B GD-81SCJ-G-33 GD-81SHx-x
GD-80SEK-G GD-80T01MJ-G GD-81SBx-x GD-81SHE-G GD-81SWK-G
GD-80SET-B GD-80T0x0x-x GD-81SCC-B GD-81SHJ-B GD-81SWT-B
GD-80SET-G GD-80T0xMx-x GD-81SCC-G GD-81SHJ-G GD-81SWT-G
GD-80SEx-x GD-80TAx0x-x GD-81SCE-B GD-81SHK-B GD-81SWx-x
S8 Series S806CD S806M10D S806M20D S808CD
TECHNOSHOT Series TS1070S TS1100 TS1100Si TS2060
TS1070 TS1070Si TS1100i TS1101i TS2060i
TS1070i TS1071i
X1 Series X1121iSD X1121iSRD X1151iSD X1151iSRD
Other Series DBH45-4A HE500TIU110P UD30-A/AC-B UD46H-ATT2
FCS-OB-E29 Fuji UD40-AL/T HE-QX551 UD41H-AET2 UT6-AY312
Canvas CSD300 HE5000CS300KB UD25H-ALT4-ZE

What series does Fuji Hakko Electric HMI have?

Fuji Hakko Electric HMI develops different series of HMIs for different industrial production scenarios. At present, at least 10 series of products have been developed.

  • Fuji UG20 Series HMI Part touchscreen protective film

    Fuji UG20 Series

  • Fuji UG30 Series touch screen panel glass overlay plastic case LCD display

    Fuji UG30 Series

  • Fuji UG40 Series HMI Parts Suppliers

    Fuji UG40 Series

  • Fuji UG200, UG210, UG400 HMI Parts

    UG200, UG210, UG400

  • Monitouch V6 touchscreen protective film

    Hakko Monitouch V6

  • Hakko Monitouch V7 touch panel overlay

    Hakko Monitouch V7

  • Hakko Monitouch V8 touch screen glass ovelay film

    Hakko Monitouch V8

  • Hakko Monitouch V4, V9, V10 touch screen panel protective film

    Hakko V4, V9, V10

  • Fuji Hakko GD-80 HMI Part touchscreen protective film

    Fuji Hakko GD-80

  • Fuji Hakko S8, TECHNOSHOT, X1 touch screen panel glass overlay


  • Fuji Hakko Other Terminals Parts touch screen panel glass overlay LCD display housing

    Other Terminals Parts

  • Fuji UG20 Series: The Fuji UG20 series HMI stands out for its excellent performance and reliable stability, suitable for a wide range of industrial control and monitoring applications. Its features include an intuitive operating interface, high-resolution display screens, and flexible communication interface options, providing users with a convenient operating experience and reliable functionality. Whether it's simple monitoring tasks or complex control applications, the UG20 series can meet the needs of users, providing reliable solutions for industrial automation.

  • Fuji UG30 Series: The Fuji UG30 series HMI features outstanding functionality and advanced performance, providing reliable control and monitoring solutions for industrial automation. Its features include rich communication interfaces, high-performance processors, and diverse customization options, capable of meeting various application needs and enhancing production efficiency. Whether it's simple standalone applications or complex networked systems, the UG30 series can provide users with the best industrial control solutions with its powerful performance and flexible customization capabilities.

  • Fuji UG40 Series: The Fuji UG40 series HMI, with its powerful performance and flexible customization capabilities, emerges as the ideal choice for complex industrial control systems. Its features include large-sized high-resolution displays, multiple communication interfaces, and diverse operating modes, providing users with more choices and convenience. The reliability and stability of the UG40 series make it an ideal control and monitoring solution for various industrial application environments, providing users with efficient and reliable industrial automation services.

  • Fuji UG200, UG210, UG400 Series: The Fuji UG200, UG210, and UG400 series HMIs are high-end products with outstanding performance and functionality, suitable for complex industrial automation systems. Their features include advanced processors, multiple communication interfaces, and rich customization options, capable of meeting various application needs and providing reliable control and monitoring functionality. The UG200, UG210, and UG400 series HMIs offer users efficient and reliable industrial automation solutions, helping them optimize production processes and improve production efficiency.

  • Hakko Monitouch V6 Series HMI features advanced performance and reliability, suitable for various industrial applications. Its characteristics include high-resolution display screens, rich communication interfaces, flexible programming and configuration options, and stable operational performance. The V6 series HMI helps users achieve efficient monitoring and control, improving production efficiency.

  • Hakko Monitouch V7 Series offers a range of features tailored for industrial control applications. With high-resolution touchscreens, diverse display sizes, and compatibility with various industrial control systems and software, the V7 Series provides users with intuitive operation and versatile functionality. Its robust construction ensures reliability, while its advanced performance and network connectivity options contribute to improved efficiency and productivity in industrial environments.

  • Hakko Monitouch V8 Series features such as high-definition touchscreens, a variety of display sizes, compatibility with various industrial control systems and software, rich functionality, high performance, and network connectivity options. Whether it's data acquisition, alarm management, or graphic drawing, this series demonstrates outstanding performance and offers an intuitive user interface to meet diverse control and monitoring needs, enhancing overall work efficiency.

  • Fuji Hakko V8 series HMIs

  • Hakko Monitouch V4, V9, V10 Series share common features of high reliability, flexibility, user-friendliness, and comprehensive technical support.

    Hakko Monitouch V4 Series: The V4 series HMI is the economical product in the Fuji Hakko Monitouch series, featuring good performance and reliability. It provides basic monitoring and control functions, suitable for small to medium-sized industrial equipment and simple automation systems. The V4 series HMI features a simple and user-friendly interface and functions, making it a cost-effective choice.

    Hakko Monitouch V9 Series: The V9 series HMI is the high-end product in the Fuji Hakko Monitouch series, featuring outstanding performance and functionality. It adopts advanced technology and innovative design, offering larger screen sizes, higher resolutions, richer features, and more flexible customization options. The V9 series HMI is suitable for complex industrial automation systems, capable of meeting various requirements and application needs.

    Fuji Hakko V9 series HMIs

    Hakko Monitouch V10 Series: High-speed processing of quad-core CPU allows for stable operation and communication performance even on high-load screens! Advanced storage device (eMMC) reduced startup/transfer time and man-hours! Panel cutout size and functions Fully compatible with existing V series!

    Fuji Hakko V10 series HMIs

  • Fuji Hakko GD-80 Series offers a comprehensive solution for industrial control needs with its robust construction, incorporating advanced features and functionality tailored to diverse applications. Its user-friendly interface ensures ease of operation, while its compatibility with various industrial environments makes it an ideal choice for enhancing efficiency and productivity in manufacturing and automation processes.

  • Fuji Hakko S8, TECHNOSHOT, X1 Series share the advantages of high reliability, advanced functionality, user-friendly interfaces, and compatibility with diverse industrial applications.

    The Fuji Hakko S8 series stands out for its combination of high reliability, versatile sizing and configuration options, ease of installation, exceptional performance, and compatibility with a diverse range of industrial control systems and software, making it a comprehensive solution for various industrial applications.

    The TECHNOSHOT series of Programmable Displays is distinguished by its multifunctionality, offering users an intuitive programming interface for customization, ensuring high performance, and providing a variety of network connectivity options, facilitating seamless integration into diverse industrial environments.

    Fuji Hakko TECHNOSHOT series HMIs

    The X1 series is equipped with OPC UA server and client, so data can be collected by connecting to both offices and production sites. Even if devices at the production site are incompatible with OPC UA, the X1 series can fulfil the role of a gateway to OPC UA in order to transfer data to OPC UA clients in the host system. OPC UA enables data sharing between production sites and the host system, and facilitates the standardization of equipment.

    Fuji Hakko X1 series HMIs

  • If you want to get more informatoin visit Fuji Hakko Electric HMI Spare Parts

Related Fuji Hakko Electric HMI user manual PDF download

What services can VICPAS provide?

Did you know Refurbished HMI & Operator Panel offer the same value as a new HMI at a fraction of the cost?

Advantages of Refurbished HMI & Operator Panel:

Savings: The most obvious benefit of refurbished HMI is the price. Refurbished HMI & Operator Panel save up to 50% in cost compared to new models. Less up front capital costs mean a quicker ROI.

Availability: If you want to replace a current HMI & Operator Panel with an identical model, your best choice is a refurbished HMI & Operator Panel. This allows for seamless integration into your existing production line with little downtime. Your operators and technicians will already be familiar with the technology making training time unnecessary. Turnaround times for new HMI & Operator Panel can sometimes be much longer. If you need to quickly implement a HMI & Operator Panel system into your process, we have a large inventory of in-stock HMI & Operator Panel Accessories ready for installation and programming.

Reliability: Just because you are paying less does not mean you are sacrificing quality. When working with the right refurbisher, used #HMI & Operator Panel are refurbished to like new condition. VICPAS has an intensive inspection and refurbishment process designed to restore the HMI & Operator Panel to comparable factory specifications. We conduct extended testing on each refurbished HMI & Operator Panel Accessories to ensure reliability.

Support: When it comes to maintenance and repairs, refurbished HMI & Operator Panel models offer the advantage of familiarity. Your technicians will already know how to perform the necessary maintenance. Parts are easily accessible and affordable through refurbished equipment accessories suppliers like VICPAS.

⚙️ VICPAS has been integrating and refurbishing HMI & Operator Panel accessories for over 17 years now. We perform all refurbishing in-house and pass the savings on to you!

▪️Contact me today for more details and pricing on refurbished industrial HMI & Operator Panel accessories.

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